Saturday, June 18, 2011

Riding the wave

Bonjour friends, family, and anyone interested!
We have landed in Paris now four days ago, and we have successfully moved around the country of France with little interruption.
Our honeymoon has turned into a trip of riding the wave for what's best as a unit, rather than what's best for ourselves. What I mean, is simply that. Being our first adventure as a young married couple and after a couple of stressful weeks, ( consisting of moving, getting married, and planning this trip) it seems in our best interest to do what feels good. As some of you may know, the original idea was not only to make it to Europe but spend 3 months and bicycle on tandem the entire time! The hour we were going to be leaving for the airport we made a swift decision to ditch the bike and gear altogether due to cost (3times as much as our tickets), and mobility. This was most certainly a wise idea! The plan was then to rent a tandem and trailer and bring what we needed in our backpacks, making us mobile and prepared! We made it to Avignon to find the bike and trailer rental, and it couldn't have been easier to get! We took off, fully loaded, and to my demise... I was completely unable to continue. MAJOR bummer. The light hearted anything goes attitude dissapated instantly!
I can speculate that I began feeling this way in Texas where we lived prior, and trained for this adventure. We had a couple of traumatic happenings that delt with aggressive drivers towards cyclists. People aren't aggressive here, but everyone is FAST!! I felt so much stress it seemed unwise for our relationship to endure such a time. :(
It was a major set back for our attitudes, but we made the decision together and now we proceed with a lighter load, and have big plans for living it up in the up coming weeks!!
There will be and has been beautiful music, and beautiful scenery, and beautiful people.... and DELICIOUS food! MY GOD the food, spectacular. Vegetarianism here is just not appetizing.

We have seen priceless pieces of art at the Louvre, and are camped out on The Rhone in Avingon Provence. You could throw a dart at the map of Europe and that is how we decide our next move... if it feels good, it is good.
ride the wave...


  1. So are you not eating vegetarian while in France? Hope you are having a great time. Pedro wishes he could be with you, but he is having fun with his Uncle Ralph in the Northwoods! Love you both!

  2. Dood! Just be is YOUR honeymoon, afterall. Make it sweet, stressless, and savory. You can always try the bike again, if you feel up for it. Plus...France is as far away from Texas as you can get! ~Mar
